Al Hirschfeld, Amy Winehouse, Ella Fitzgerald, and Whitney Houston SCREAM

Like many people, I LOVE music. 
I'm especially a fan of people who have a real musical/vocal style and gift. 
I really enjoy earlier/mid-century music. So, I made some caricatures of 3 timeless women that have also unfortunately passed, whose music I like a whole lot.

Amy Winehouse
14 September 1983 - 23 July 2011 (age 27)

Ella Fitzgerald
April 25, 1917  - June 15, 1996 (age 79)

Whitney Houston
August 9, 1963 - February 11, 2012 (age 48)

These are also in my "Queens" show at 39Below Froyo in downtown Columbus.
If you can't tell, I tried my damnedest to emulate arguably the KING of line and caricature master, Al Hirschfeld!

Here's one of his selfies:

Also, here's the first of what will prolly end up being alot of animation tests

I hope all has been well and lemme know what you think! 
I know my lines are thicker his, but I think I like it that way?
Also, sorry for the abrupt ending in the test, but eh, it's a test haha